Marina Smerling is generously offering one hour of empathic listening, enemy image work, or other support for emotional healing.
Marina Smerling is an attorney, mediator, and conflict coach for couples and individuals, and is committed to tapping into the power of self-love and self-compassion to move us beyond war in our everyday inner and global worlds, and to nurture ways of being that care for, honor, and include all life. She is also a dancer, yogi, and advocate for social justice who infuses love with needs for equality and inclusion.Conditions: Marina can call anyone in the US and will accept incoming calls from anywhere. International bidders are responsible for their long-distance charges. By telephone from anywhere, or in person in the Bay area. One hour. (Marina's other terms and conditions are explained here.)
She is the founder of a Bay Area NVC & Social Change network, and co-founder of the Connection Project, whose purpose is to bring empathy and NVC discourse to public protests, disputes, and dialogues. She is a longtime devotee of NVC as both a relationship and spiritual practice.
(Want to see our other NVC-related items? Click here.)
Retail value: $80. Minimum starting bid: $35.
There are NO geographical restrictions on this item; we will accept bids from anywhere in the world!
To bid, post the amount of your bid and your contact info in the comment section below! Thank you!